Sunday, May 24, 2009

New pin!

Hey guys heres the new pin cheat!
Place: Pizza parlor
Have fun!:)

Rockhoppers here!

Hey guys Rockhoppers here! He brought us plants! But not plants like that yucky stuff. Also I accidentally pressed enter after I put in Rockhoppers closer under this so dont mind it. Have fun!:)

Rockhoppers here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Medievil party is over:(

Hey guys the medievil party is over.:( Well at least Rockhopper will be here soon! Iwish they had two free items other then the golden armor. Because it was the same as last years party.
Have fun!

Rockhopper is closer!!

Hey guys!! Rockhopper is closer then yesterday!He will probably be here tomorrow! And I was right. He has trees on his ship! I guess its a spring/summer thing. I hope he brings us good stuff!
Have Fun!:)

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Hey guys!
u can see Rockhopper in the telescope! This is what his ship looks like!
It looks like theres trees on it!
Sorry it isnt clear.:(
Have fun!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Glitch!!

Hey guys heres a new glitch,
Glitch 4: How to walk under chatbar,
First go to eiether far end side of the chat bar
Second Click on the other side of chat bar
You should be walking under the chat bar! Have fun!:)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

this is one of my best drawlings but when I scaned it the side got cut off:(

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Look at this Drawling

isnt it cool?

The Winner of the Wig Color!

hey guys! The winner of the new wig is the blue wig! Sweet thats what i voted for! Also look at these drawlings!

Friday, May 8, 2009

New Pin

Hey guys heres the new pin cheat.
The pin is in the bolier room.Like last years party its the pin maker 3000 so u just move your mouse on the metal bucket and wait for a little bit intill the pin is done.
Its a crown pin for the party! Have fun!:)

About me

Hey guys im going to talk about what I like,also in the comments talk about what u like!
Faviorte game: bean counter
Faviorte coler puffle: White
Faviorte party: waterparty
Faviorte clothes item: ipod (half to get it in the treaurse book)
Faviorte igloo item: small dance floor
Thats about me!
Ill read all the comments, have fun!

Medievil Party is Here!!!!!!!

Hey guys the medievil party is here!
The members half to do three things to get the Golden Sheild, armor, and helment!
First just go on each mat in front of the orbs
Then go threw the gate
Now hit the targets intil the gate opens
Heres the maze cheats
At the end you get the armor!
Also the wizard hat is in the lighthouse on the table
Also the new play is out!!When u buy the flashlight put it on with the ghost costume then press d and you should be glowing!!!
Have Fun Bye!:)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just wanted to say... And PARTY!!!!!!

nevermind that last post. I am sad it is just it really well i cant explain. But I do know I will go to Gettys Burgh.:) Also im having a party!
Server: Frozen
Stuff to do: try to tip iceburgh
Day and time:Saturday, 3:00
have fun!!!!!!

Im sad

hey i might not post for a while becuse im sad.:(
But im might go to Gettys burgh this month!:)
So i probily wont be able to post for a while.
Have fun!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Penguins getting Paid!

Hey guys a while ago they sent out paychecks to penguins that have jobs such as tour guide and secret agent. Each check gives u 250 coins! So heres my final glitch until i find out more.
Glitch 3: how to walk on walls (no one can see u)
First click by the place u want to walk on
Second click on zoom
Third click 600
Fourth click on the building your by
Fifth exit out of zoom
u should be on the walls!
Have fun!:)

Medievil Party and New Play!

Hey guys,theres going to be a Party Friday on cp! Members can go into a secret room, but everyone can enjoy the other places! Also there will be another new play!!!!! I hope its funny!!!!!
So like i said last time I will tell another glitch, here it is,
Glitch 2: how to walk on walkways,
First click on a walk way
Second while walking there click on mail
Third keep mail up for ten seconds then exit out of mail
You should be on the walkway!!!!! Have fun With this glitch!:)
Also if u see Dr Zeanon on cp be her buddy she owns
So have fun, bye!!:)


First of all, this is obviously a new blog about clubpenguin........
So first im MrHartwood8, and if u ever see some penguins named Szalla41 or MrHartwood9 there my freinds so be there buddy! First i just want to tell u a glitch...
Glitch 1:how to talk with the newspaper,
First bring up newspaper
Second Click on we need u
Third click on submit question
Fourth click on submit
Fifth click back to the homepage
Sixth click on tab now say what ever u want!!
Make sure u go to the far side of the room so u can see u talk with the newspaper!!!!!!
Ill tell u another glitch next time i do another post...
Have fun!!!!!:)
