Monday, September 28, 2009

So funny!

Hey guys!I was just playing halo so I close up with a sniper rifle on the other teams side,and shoot one of there team members and one of there other team members was behind him.They both died.Then I shot a warthog with it and the bullet bounced off and hit me!lol!

YouTube - B5Damericanista's Channel

Hey Guys!I found very funny halo videos!There so funny!You can check them out here:YouTube - B5Damericanista's ChannelHave fun!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

This is what the front page looks like. This is what pops up when you do multiyplayer.

This is the server Blood Gulitch.

Think it is cool?

I got a New game!

Hey Guys!I got a new game!It's called Halo.I got it for your labtop or computer.It's really fun!But,it has some bad stuff in it.I'm going to do post of me playing halo so,please be at least ten years or older to look at this sight.So i'll do a post soon!Bye!;)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's always me! What the?
I'll post more as soon as I can make more!
